Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Air Yeezy Grammy Doernbecher Auction
Nike Spring 2010
With A Samari Sword??...
11 News reports "Baltimore police said a Johns Hopkins University medical student armed with a samurai sword killed an intruder he discovered in his garage early Tuesday. Police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said campus police and an off-duty city officer responding to a call for a suspicious person heard screams to call police just before 1:30 a.m. in the 300 block of University Parkway."
Kid Cudi speaks to Green Lantern about the skinny jeans
Real Talk with Kid Cudi. Personally Im not a skinny jeans fan but i could care less how skinny anybody else jeans fit them. Im not wearing them so i could care less, but one thing i can say is dudes be on the side-line hating on the skinny jeans but once everyone is doing your a CLONE like my man Lefortheuncool said. So big ups to Cudi album is stores go cop that"Man On The Moon: The End Of Day". GOOD MUSIC!!!!